Exploring Wholesale Markets in Guangzhou

Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province, is the center of the wholesale market in China. It is a place where businesses come to source various products from a wide range of markets. This city is home to numerous wholesale markets where you can find all kinds of products at reasonable prices. In this article, we will discuss some of the major wholesale markets in Guangzhou.

Leather Markets

  1. (Shi Ling) Lion City (International) Leather and Leather Goods City (狮岭(国际)皮革皮具城) Address in Chinese: 广州市花都区中区大道.
  2. Guangzhou Leather City (广州皮革城) Address in Chinese: 广州市白云区钟落潭长腰岭广从8路870号.
  3. Guangzhou Baiyun World Leather Trading Center (广州白云皮具贸易中心) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区解放北路1356号.
  4. Guihuagang Leather Market (桂花岗市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区解放北路1333号.

Textile Markets

  1. Hualing Home Textiles & Fabrics City (华凌家纺布艺城) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区东晓南路泾西入口(中大布城).
  2. Haiyin Market (海印市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区海印大桥西.
  3. Guangzhou Changjiang International Light Textile City (广州长江国际轻纺城) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区瑞康路和逸景路交界.
  4. Zhongda Fabric Market (中大布艺市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区瑞康路.
  5. Bai Ma Market (白马市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区站南路.
  6. (Xi Jiao) West Plaza (西郊大厦) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区站前路..
  7. Yide Road Market (一德路市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区一德路.
  8. Taohuajiang International Fashion City (桃花江国际服装城) Address in Chinese: 广州市站西路57号站西广场.
  9. Shidai Fashion City (世贸服装城) Address in Chinese: 广州市站南路88号.
  10. Jindong International Fashion City (锦东国际服装城) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区宝岗大道383号.
  11. Wanfu Road Boutique Market (万福路精品市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区万福路.
  12. Litang Building Children’s Clothing City (荔塘大厦童装城) Address in Chinese: 广州市荔湾区中山八路97号.

Shoes Markets

  1. (Baima) White Horse Shoes City (白马鞋城), Golden Horse Shoes City (金马鞋城), and Red Cotton Shoe City (红棉鞋业城) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区流花商圈.
  2. Jinlongpan International Shoes and Leather Goods Trading Center (金龙盘国际鞋业皮具贸易) Address in Chinese: 广园西路235号.

Toys & Gifts Markets

  1. Wanling Square (万菱广场) Address in Chinese: 广州市解放南路39号.

Kitchenware & Hotel Supplies

  1. Nantian International Hotel Supplies Market (南天国际酒店用品市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠南天大道海珠客运站西.
  2. Nantai Wholesale Market (南泰百货批发市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市海珠区南泰路168号.
  3. Guangzhou International Kitchenware Wholesale Market (广州市花都区国际厨具批发市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市花都区佛塘镇

Computer and Accessiros

  1. Tianhe Computer City (天河电脑城) Address in Chinese: 广州市天河区天河东路(地铁3号线岗顶站).
  2. Pacific Computer City (太平洋电脑城) Address in Chinese: 广州市天河区天河东路(地铁3号线岗顶站).
  3. Guangzhou Zhongliu Computer City (广州中六电脑城)Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区中山六路(地铁1号线西门口站)

Mobile and Accessories

  1. Nanfang Building (南方大厦) Address in Chinese: 广州市荔湾区沿江西路49号.
  2. New Asia International Digital Plaza (新展望手机市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区中山三路36号.
  3. Yuejing Mobile Accessories Market (粤景手机配件市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市荔湾区西堤二马路8号.
  4. Yike Mobile Accessories Market (亿科手机配件市场) Address in Chinese: 广州市黄埔区大沙地港湾市场西三街4号.
  5. Guangzhou Zhongliu Computer Market (广州中六电脑城) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区中山六路(地铁1号线西门口站).

Sound & Stage Equipment

  1. Xingziguang Electronic City (星之光电器城) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区大沙头三马路11号.
  2. Jiangjundong Electronic City (将军东电器城) Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区中山五路219号中旅商业城.
  3. Xichang Electronic City (西场电器城) Address in Chinese: 广州市荔湾区东风西路23-45号.

Motorcycle & Auto Spare Part

  1. Zhongba motorcycle accessories market 中八摩托车配件市场 Address in Chinese: 广州市荔湾区中山八路新虹街.
  2. Landmark Motorcycle Parts City 置地摩托车配件城 Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区较场西路6号.
  3. Yongfu Auto Parts City 永福汽配城 Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区永福路49号.
  4. Guangzhou Huangshi Auto Accessories Market 广州黄石汽车用品市场 Address in Chinese: 广州市白云区新市黄石东路48号.
  5. Hongyun Auto Parts Plaza 鸿运汽配广场 Address in Chinese: 广州市越秀区广园西路68号.
  6. Wanli Auto Parts City 万里汽配城 Address in Chinese: 广州市白云区广园中路59号.
  7. Fuxing Mobile City 福星摩配城 Address in Chinese: 松北摩配城、白云摩配城、广州市白云区增槎路(罗冲围客运站).

These are just a few of the many wholesale markets in Guangzhou that offer a wide variety of products at competitive prices. As always, it is important to do your research and negotiate prices before making any purchases. Happy shopping!

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