Onshore and Offshore Accounts

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Bank Account Types for Foreign Companies in China 2.1 Basic RMB Account 2.2 Foreign Currency Account 2.3 Capital Account
  3. Bank Account Types for Foreign Companies in Hong Kong 3.1 Hong Kong Dollar Account 3.2 Foreign Currency Account
  4. Regulations for Foreign Company Bank Accounts in China and Hong Kong 4.1 KYC Procedures 4.2 AML Regulations 4.3 Foreign Exchange Control Regulations 4.4 Tax Regulations
  5. Offshore Accounts for Foreign Companies
  6. Conclusion

Banking Options for Foreign Companies in China and Hong Kong: A Guide to Onshore and Offshore Accounts

If you’re a foreign company doing business in China or Hong Kong, opening a bank account is a necessity for managing your finances. However, the process can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding the different types of accounts and regulations. This article will guide you through the options available for foreign companies in China and Hong Kong, including onshore and offshore accounts.

Bank Account Types for Foreign Companies in China

  1. Basic RMB Account A Basic RMB Account is a standard bank account that allows you to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money in Chinese currency (Renminbi, or RMB). This account type is suitable for most types of business transactions, including paying suppliers, receiving payments from customers, and paying taxes.
  2. Foreign Currency Account A Foreign Currency Account allows you to hold and manage funds in foreign currencies, such as US dollars or euros. This account type is useful if your company needs to make or receive payments in foreign currencies, or if you want to hedge against currency fluctuations.
  3. Capital Account A Capital Account is used for the transfer of capital in and out of China, such as investment capital, loan proceeds, or profits from business operations. Foreign companies are only allowed to open a Capital Account if they meet certain criteria, such as having a minimum registered capital amount of USD 500,000. The application process for a Capital Account is more complex than for other account types, and requires approval from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE).

Bank Account Types for Foreign Companies in Hong Kong

  1. Hong Kong Dollar Account A Hong Kong Dollar Account is a standard bank account that allows you to manage funds in Hong Kong dollars. This account type is suitable for most types of business transactions, including paying suppliers, receiving payments from customers, and paying taxes.
  2. Foreign Currency Account A Foreign Currency Account allows you to hold and manage funds in foreign currencies, such as US dollars or euros. This account type is useful if your company needs to make or receive payments in foreign currencies, or if you want to hedge against currency fluctuations.

Regulations for Foreign Company Bank Accounts in China and Hong Kong

When opening a bank account for a foreign company in China or Hong Kong, it’s important to comply with the relevant regulations and requirements. Here are some of the key regulations you need to be aware of:

4.1 KYC Procedures Banks are required to verify the identity and source of funds of account holders, including foreign companies. This is known as the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure. Foreign companies need to provide a range of documentation, such as business registration certificates, proof of identity for account signatories, and information about the company’s business activities and ownership structure.

4.2 AML Regulations Banks must implement Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures to prevent the use of bank accounts for illegal activities such as money laundering or terrorist financing. This includes monitoring transactions for suspicious activity and reporting any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities.

4.3 Foreign Exchange Control Regulations China has strict controls on the transfer of funds in and out of the country, and foreign companies must comply with these regulations when opening and using bank accounts. For example, there are limits on the amount of money that can be transferred out of the country each year, and foreign currency transactions need to be approved by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE).

4.4 Tax Regulations Foreign companies operating in China or Hong Kong are subject to various tax regulations, including corporate income tax, value-added tax (VAT), and withholding tax. It’s important to understand these regulations and ensure that your company is compliant.

Offshore Accounts for Foreign Companies

In addition to onshore bank accounts, foreign companies can also consider opening offshore accounts in tax-friendly jurisdictions such as the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, or Singapore. These accounts can provide a range of benefits, including tax savings, privacy, and asset protection. However, it’s important to ensure that any offshore accounts are set up and used in compliance with relevant regulations and requirements.


Opening a bank account in China or Hong Kong can be a complex process, especially for foreign companies. However, understanding the different types of accounts and relevant regulations can help make the process smoother. It’s important to do your research, provide all necessary documentation, and comply with all relevant regulations when opening and using bank accounts.

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