Chinese scientists have recently achieved a major breakthrough in drone technology as they havedeveloped drones that can fly endlessly without requiring recharging. At present, drones available in the market have a limited flying time, and regular recharging is necessary. However, the Chineseresearch team has devised a new technology that enables drones to continue flying for extended periods without stopping.

The technology relies on high-energy laser beams that are directed at aircraft to generate electricity. Forthe development of this technology, the team has attached highly durable photovoltaic panels to drones,allowing them to charge continuously. Unlike traditional solar energy, a smaller area can be utilizedin this technology, and a high-energy laser beam is directed at the board to charge and track the drones’movements simultaneously.

According to Professor Li Shulong, who is in charge ofthis project, this new technology can support drones and keep them airborne for extended periods. Severalcountries, including China and the United States, have previously developed defense systems that use lasersto disrupt or even destroy enemy drones. However,this new technology is much more beneficial andoffers unlimited possibilities for optical drones’ use.

The Chinese research team has successfully tested this technology for charging drones, including fully automatic charging and tracking of a drone, and the development of an intelligent signal transmissiontechnology. Though remote charging with lasers incurs significant energy losses, the team’s success in testing the technology opens up several doors for implementation in different areas.

While no specific uses for this technology have been identified yet, preliminary ideas suggest widespread access to drones intended for cargo delivery and theireffectiveness in exploration, surveillance, and otheroperations. Nonetheless, it is crucial to remember thatexperimental technologies do not always translate into practical uses, as confirmed by the tens ofthousands of patents for revolutionary products ortechnologies that sit covered in dust and forgotten today.

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